Product Description

The Lake Clear Wabbler is the original spoon of this design. Copied by many but never duplicated, an eastern favourite for trout of all species. Especially sought after by anglers in New England, the Adirondacks, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes, as well as trout anglers throughout North America.
Jeweler’s quality finishes of genuine Silver and 24K Gold are now the standard on Lake Clear Wabblers. Nothing reflects any available light farther or brighter than Silver. Gold has a distinctive reflective property deeper and brighter than brass often referred to as “Gold” which it is not. Copper is a more subtle presentation. For days when a silhouette may be more effective the black finishes offer plenty of vibration and a dark silhouette against a bright sky or a light coloured shore line.

Stock No. Length Width Approx. Weight Colors
LCW1 3 1/8” - 7.9 cm 1 1/2” - 3.8 cm 1/3 oz - 9.5 g All
LCW3 3” - 7.6 cm 1 1/8” - 2.9 cm 1/4 oz - 7.1 g CDIC, COP, C/OR, G, HHSC, HHSCN, HHSG, HHSGN, S, S/BLU, S/CH, S/OR, S/RED
LCW5 2” - 5.1 cm 1” - 2.5 cm 1/6 oz - 4.7 g COP, GOLD, HHSC, HHSG, HHSGN, S, S/BLU, S/CH, S/OR
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